
This gallery consists of samples taken from my C-o-n-t-i-n-u-o-u-s Urbanism studio conducted at the 2018 AA Shanghai Visiting School (Architectural Association School of Architecture, London). It was an 11-day long workshop (6–14 July) held at the China 3D Print Museum. A series of experiments was carried out to investigate the machine learning of existing buildings encoded as architectural circulations, openings, sections and frames. 

Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) designed CCTV Headquarters in Beijing (2012) is used as the training data input for the machine learning model. An instance of the generated outputs is being post-processed in the same rendering style as the original input. 
Zollverein School of Management and Design designed by SANAA (2006) is used as the training data input for the machine learning model. An instance of the generated outputs is being post-processed in the same rendering style as the original input. 
Beijing’s Chaoyang Park Plaza designed by MAD Architects (2017) is used as the training data input for the machine learning model. An instance of the generated outputs is being post-processed in the same rendering style as the original input. 
Italy’s Brion Cemetery designed by Carlo Scarpa (1978) is used as the training data input for the machine learning model. An instance of the generated outputs is being post-processed in the same rendering style as the original input. 

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